Hormone Therapy

Hormone Therapy

Hormones are the bodies guide and are responsible for many important functions, such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction. They are produced by glands that make up the endocrine system, and they are constantly sharing information with other organs. They instruct other organs how to behave, when to activate, how to expend energy and when to slow down. If we didn’t have hormones, we wouldn’t know when to eat or sleep, or when to stop and if once puzzle piece is missing then it affects the entire body.

There are many pieces that can affect or inhibit hormone production.These include age, health conditions, and chemical interference. While regular shifts in hormones throughout the day and during various physiological cycles, persistent and irregular imbalances can present health problems. Any imbalance such as, too little or too much of any hormone can wreak havoc on the body and create unpleasant side effects.

What are the symptoms of hormonal imbalance?


  • Weight gain or loss
  • Fatigue
  • Bowel issues
  • A hump between your shoulder blades
  • Vision issues
  • Puffy or swollen face
  • Urinating often or too little
  • Thinning hair
  • Muscle and joint stiffness, aches, and pains
  • Heart rate changes
It’s important to remember that hormonal issues can play out differently for each of us. Lifestyle management is an imperative for hormone optimization. Specific nutrients, dietary patterns, and overall nutrition may play either beneficial or detrimental roles in hormonal function. Working out regularly is also critical for endocrine health, as it can help regulate hormones like cortisol, insulin, thyroid hormones, and your sex hormones. In addition to nutrition and exercise, supplementation is an essential piece of the puzzle. Many of us are deficient in vitamins and micronutrients that are vital for hormonal balance. Diagnostic testing using LabCorp and Cell Science Systems are a crucial way for determining what is lacking for an individual.

One of the best things you can do for your hormonal balance and overall wellbeing, is manage your lifestyle in addition to seeking medical help. At Precision, our providers take a deep look into every patient’s unique puzzle and create a customized plan to put everything in the right place. The approach is customized and encompasses lifestyle and medical management to optimize your hormone health. After lifestyle is addressed, peptide and medication therapy can be incorporated to help achieve optimal results and positive patient outcomes.

Do you have any questions?

Please feel free to contact us, our team is ready to assist you immediately.

+1 314-786-5389


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    You’re In Good Hands

    “Our valuable clients deserves the best”

    Dave Drago (Drago_STL)
    Dave Drago (Drago_STL)

    In October of 2015 I was debating on competing in my second NPC Championship. Even before I decided to do the show I knew for sure who I was going to call to be my prep coach and handle my diet and workouts. That would be Jamie Speiser at Precision Fitness and Spa. I t was a little over 3 years since my first competition and I have always followed Jamie on social media and it was apparent of the success he had with his clients. Every competition picture that got posted had him standing with his athlete with a medal around their neck! There are many things, but one thing that stuck out with Jamie is that he sincerely cares about his clients and wants them to succeed as bad as they want too themselves! In my 4 months of prep I went from 11.6% body fat to just under 4% and I gained several pounds of muscle in the process (And oh by the way, I was 48 years old for this competition and I took 1st place in my masters class!) If I were to do another show; he'd be my Go To coach, no doubt about it!!!

    Lindsay J NP
    Lindsay J NP

    I have been training with Jamie for about 5 months now. I am in the best shape of my life and have learned more about diet and exercise Than I ever could have dreamed of. everyone is always so positive and have a special.way of pushing you to achieve your goals.

    Dave Plumley
    Dave Plumley

    WOW !! GREAT !! TEAM WORK!!! POSITIVENESS !!!! SUPPORTIVE !!! ENCOURAGEMENT!!! YOU MEAN SOMETHING !!!!! WELL INFORMED!!! LIFE CHANGING !!!! These are just a few words that I experience working with Precision Fitness and SPA each day. Jamie Speiser and his staff are all of these and more and have kept me going through all the struggles and over the hills when the tough times have come. Before starting with Jamie I was the type of person that each day was from the chair to car to chair at work, back to car back to the couch. I was on oxygen at work and home, multiple medications my health and lifestyle was in a fast track to going to a fast end. My weight and condition was the "elephant in the room" that no one wanted to bring up to me as they didn't want to hurt me or my feelings. Then two people who changed my life and asked if I would meet someone that might be able to help me and they introduced me to Jamie Speiser. UNBELIEVABLE DAY FOR ME. HE OPENED THE WORLD BACK TO ME AND GAVE ME BACK MY LIFE. The simple things that people take for granted to be able to sit in a regular chair to watch your granddaughter dance. Be able to walk and play catch, go to the pool to go swimming, able to shovel your own snow and cut your own grass. All lift changing >>>>> I can go on forever about the numbers and the loss in lbs and inches ( which is awesome). The major changes I have experienced is the awareness I have gotten from Jamie and everyone at Precision Fitness and the courage and knowledge of making good healthy decisions at each meal. The challenging work-outs are tough but are adjusted to meet everyone's needs and abilities. They are fun and challenging the staff keep you wanting more and wanting to come back. Jamie Speiser , and the staff at Precision Fitness is a place that everyone can feel at ease. I hope everyone will come and try it for themselves.